Monday, 11 August 2014

Birthday wish-list

Hello people of the bog world !
How have y'all been?
Hi blog i missed you.
The idea of gifting someone something or receiving gifts makes me happy. So much thought goes into what to get the person and you wrap it up, add a bow here and make it look perfect and all. Then you write a nice card and stuff, it's cute. In my world, people sometimes gift you stupid things, because they dont think of gifts as "GIFTS". They think of them as presents, something that has to be presented or otherwise the other person will feel "not important"and get mad or something or they simply dont want to waste money so they go and get you the cheapest most disgusting perfume in the existence of mankind. If you dont want to waste your money on me then dont, if you dont want to waste too much of your money on me then just get me a flower, and if you want to spend your money wholeheartedly on me then...Thank you <3

This year i decided to put up a birthday wish-list on my blog and if you plan of gifting me something but dont know what to get me, then this is supposed to be your guide. 
Starting off;
1- This year, I asked my parents for a rainbow Quran. They are so pretty and cute.

2- I've been wanting a FILOFAX since last year but for some reason decided to get a Lilly Puitzer one in the end because it started from August 2013 through December 2014 which was just what i needed for my first year at uni. And besides, filofax was a bit off budget for me and I didnt know that i would last. I though it only lasted a year then you have to get rid of it and get a new one, but it doesnt work that way. You basically buy the filofax once, then every year you get a new set of pages to put in them. Did i make sence?
and people make really awesome stuff with these things it's too cute.

3- Books!! i have an entire list of books i wanna read and buy. Gifting me books would be perfect.
I've actually been eyeing the hard cover of "Alice's adventures in wonderland and other stories" for quite some time now but havent found a copy in the bookstore i go to.
I also love the new penguin hard cover classics. They look so fancy and posh. 
I also like fancy notebooks because i love making lists,as some of you may know and sometimes i just write my daily thoughts in them.

Anyway, that was it for my birthday wish-list. I'm not asking you to go get me one of these things. I just felt like blogging about my birthday wish-list this year. 

oh and my birthday is on 3rd of September. Turning 19 this year Insha'Allah 

Okay buh-bye ;)

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