Hello there, hope you're all well :D
A bit late but I'd like to wish all my muslim readers and followers a ramdhan mubarak. May this month be filled with joy, happiness and positivity.
If ur wondering why I'm late with this post, it's because I havent been feeling well lately. Headaches, soar throat, cold and flu, which lead to me being voice-less. And above all that I was feeling a bit low, I was bored with my daily routine that consisted of me waking up every morning, having the same breakfast, doing the same thing over and over again. If you know anything about me, it's that I dont like to complain, especially to people I'm not too close with. But I just felt like getting this off my chest. I'm also participating in an exihibition where I'm going to be selling some of my crochet items. (Will talk about it more in anothet post probably)
Okay, so now that we have that out of the way. Remember I said I'll be doing a series this ramadhan? Welllllll, I will be posting some fun recipes every week. Like 2 or 3 recipes every week. I'm not saying that I'm a professional chef or anything. But I love cooking and I'd like to share some recipes with y'all. I'll be posting desserts or soups or finger food. I'll be very happy if you joined me and posted some recipes and it could be a thing, you know ?
Anyway, I'll be starting this tomorrow insha'Allaah.
I'm blogging from my phone for the first time. It is now 2:02 and I'll be up until shoor and so I thought why not blog? This post was a bit random but I just wanted to talk to y'all and give u a little update. Battery low. Okay. Once again. Ramadhan mubarak♡
See you soon x